I'm a human being. not a monster. no need to scream.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

another stupid thought

gue masih melek di tengah malem kaya gini abis pulang dari sidang MUBES alias musyawarah besarnya buat lengsernya kepengurusan pemred gue si ojan. sengaja gue iseng baca bukunya shit happens nya Cristian Simamorang, one of my favorite writer. gara2 baca buku itu gue jadi mikir omongan si mirza pas kita (gue-mirza-ratih) nongkrong di sevel menteng ngelepasin kepenatan *halah, bahasa gue* ketegangan pas mau mubes ini. Mirza bilang, dia ga pernah mau pacaran sama cewe macem gue sama ratih. perlu di informasiin, mirza is The Only one best friend ever. i mean, dari semua temen cowo gue, gue yang paling deket sama dia. pas gue ke Pulau Perak juga gue bareng sama dia. dan gue juga baru inget, pas gue pertama kali DBT di puncak buat dikdasnya dinamika gue juga 1 kelompok sama dia. how weird it is. so, it goes. balik ke statement dia yang bilang ga mau pacaran sama cewe kaya gue maupun ratih. *emang lo pikir gue cewe macem apa? KW gitu? liat perkakas gue, walopun kecil, it is really original plus crispy* he said, kalo gue sama ratih terlalu modern buat dijadiin pacar. high maintenance, which is i just cant understand it. gue aja kalo makan siang masih suka minta dibayarin mirza dulu. so, after i read this novel i just wonder, maybe he was right. gue dan pikiran gue yang dibilang idealis, *okay sebenernya kita bertiga semuanya idealis* padahal gue sendiri ga tau indikator idealis itu seperti apa, dan gue juga ga ngerti kenapa gue-ratih-mirza berasa kaya lingkaran setan yang ga akan ada habisnya. ratih yang masih belum bisa move on dari mantan pacarnya yang menurut gue kaya tiang jemuran yang ngebuat ratih kaya jemuran kering yang perlu dikasi pewangi. mirza yang selalu ga pernah bisa sukses deketin cewek, selalu ada aja alesannya buat ga bisa jadian. dan gue? gue yang masih labil sama hubungan gue. okay, perlu gue lurusin disini. i dont build any expectation with my boyfie right now. idk, i just cant after we were fighting a lot. so, my relationship is never had expectations of getting marriage. gue emang masih muda, but lemme say, i am a thinker. gue pemikir. which is i think it was a bad habit disamping gue yang selalu ga pernah bisa nyontek. 

when we were on our way to my home, he talked about marriage. yes. which is that topic is not my top of the top lately *gue lebih concern ke hal2 yang bisa bikin mood gue naik, makan misalnya* tentang rumah, nyokapnya yang ternyata ga buru2. idk, i was not into that topic atm. i mean, let it flow. gue masih harus nyelesein this damn semester, bergumul sama outline gue bulan depan, kerja, dan mungkin gue pengen kejar beasiswa S2 gue. gue sadar, masih banyak mimpi gue, hal2 yang gue suka dan belum gue wujudin semua. tapi ada suatu hal yang bikin gue heran, gue suka ngeliat anak kecil. anak kecil yang lagi jalan sama orang tuanya. anak kecil yang lagi nge dance sambil disuapin sarapan sama bokapnya pas gue lagi sarapan sama boyfie gue di mekdi senayan. gue suka. tapi pas inget betapa susahnya ngelahirkan dari mbak risda *iparnya boyfie gue udah melahirkan anak perempuan lewat caesar kemaren* gue tau gue aneh. no doubt with it. gue juga tau kalo gue cerita sama 2 soul mate gue pasti gue dibilang absurd. gue mau kawin. tapi gue juga masih mau having fun. okay, gue akuin sekarang gue lagi labil. idk, mungkin setelah mubes berakhir gue bakalan cerita ini ke ratih sama mirza, which is gue diharuskan siap mental karena pasti di cecer sama mereka berdua. i sud go to sleep. sorry for my labilness.
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Monday, 7 November 2011

postingan aneh tengah malem

it's been 00:40 in the middle of the night and i just cant sleep on. i tried to watch movies he gave me like The Mentalist, but still. i still awake. it such a shit. because tomorrow morning i have to wake up in the morning, get shower then go to the jungle as usual. and of course meet the all the fake person, hypocrite, liar yeah yeah yah. sounds i am so sarcasm right now.

anyway, when i was watching the mentalist then Lipstick Jungle i saw that whats wrong with cheating?
i know that is a wrong thing. bad thing but hell yeah everything comes with a reason. you are liar, you are hypocrite still have at least one reason why you do that. right? i have no right to judge people oh well, maybe i was. but i know. there was a reason behind this shit happens. *i always say this shit happens* why being bad is always have a judgement? i know some Indonesians dont do that like gossiping but what the heck are you talking about? it is like "go find and solve your own business bitch, or this is not kinda your business". my business attitude lecturer said that we have our culture to manage our behavior and blah..blah..blah..blah which is her subject make me bored as well.

i was cheating. and i have my own reason. you dont have any right to judge me as a bad girl. why i did that or how it was. why everyone looks so saint? why everyone cant take all the matters easily? why peoples keep talking, sneaking, and stalking? cheating is not such a criminal. i am tired for those who blames me for cheated and all of my mistakes. i just want peoples to think clearer than they look. just dont judge peoples whatever they seem.

the infotainment showed Anji was cheating with a girl in his music video. i dont know if it is right. officially i dont care. and i know i have no rights to judging. my friend, well stupid. she flames on twitter and say bad thing about anji. how about me? if she knew i was cheating. i am totally sure that she will not say bad thing in front of me but still she will judge me in her fucking mind. how hypocrite is she. fiuh.

well, i should go sleep now.
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