I'm a human being. not a monster. no need to scream.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

welcome to my new life :)


it is kinda long time ago i did not post like anything here.
no, it is not that i forget i have a blogspot but i kinda busy managing my (social) life.

dan gue udah gak menye-menye kampret di blog ini lagi. sila ke tumblr gue aja kalo mau bergalau lalu dengerin The Script.

let me recap what happens in my life lately.

gue udah gak bekerja di Axia kuningan lagi as editor, seinget gue, sekitar bulan april gue udah gak dipekerjakan sama Pak Alex, mungkin memang bukan bidang gue buat nulis bisnis. kelar di Axia gue take vacation ke Bali, yes. masih sama Lolita. try to save my relationship after VERY BIG DRAMA. two months later gue dapet panggilan kerja di Rabobank, bank Belanda yang nawarin OODP (Operational Officer Development Program) gajinya bagus, tunjangannya fine, benefitnya VIP, dan jam kerja 8 to 5. what am i waiting for? sebelumnya emang ada panggilan bank DBS buat ngurusin Letter of credit yang menyangkut ekspor impor sik, cuma yaaa karena gajinya cuma sanggup buat transpot, i let it go. so, here i am. gue sekarang kerja di Rabobank dengan kontrak 2 tahun mulai bulan mei 2013, dan kontrak gue bakalan berakhir mei 2015. i kinda want get out from this bank sik, even gue udah bisa bantuin nyokap gue, pay bills, shopping, dan jam kerja cuma 8-5. no overtime, and if it does, palingan cuma sampe jam 7 malem. belum lagi gue kebagian kantor cabang di bintaro. jadi jam 6 gue udah bisa leyeh-leyeh nonton dvd sambil ngetwit ngecengin orang yang masih teriak macet di sekitar Sudirman. yes. i am that bitch.

i think i want more than that. atau mungkin gue bosen dengan lingkungan kantor di bintaro, dengan jobdesk yang selalu itu-itu aja. no new experience. and i can not imagine my future as like as my head teller. 7 years as teller. baru taun kemaren diangkat jadi head teller dengan gaji yang gak jauh beda sama gue, dan pangkat yang sama kaya gue. hell no. 7 taun gue harus udah bisa settle. head teller gue bahkan belom punya rumah dan hidupnya masih tergantung sama cash advance credit card, well his wife has no job. just a usual housewife. i am no sorry. i dont want like one. imagine gue pake daster dan cuma beresin rumah tanpa ada pergaulan di luar. my husband will be bored as well.

oh, did i mention my husband?



Desson? no, he hates me like that much. last time i texted him and he just said " go away, i need it". such a jerk. gue padahal udah minta maaf like every lebaran kali pak. dan dia cuma bisa jawab, "iya aku udah maafin kamu" padahal, he never forgives me. why he didnt say, belum bisa maafin gue. it is crystal clear, daripada maafin cuma di mulut doang? meh.

who else?

Arya? nah. he is... what can i say? dia masih menikmati pencitraannya. gue kadang ngerasa kasian sik, i mean, now i am happy. and you should do. but you do in a wrong way. gue baru tau kalo dia deketin dydyl. oh, she told me anyway. in details. viva la deketin temen-temen gue :)))

and The rest is Agus Wahadyo. let me introduce you,
My husband. Agus Wahadyo. Digital Strategic of JKOS. he got promotion this year and we decided to get married. there are dramas but we will be fine. oh yes, now i am Mrs. Wahadyo. sud i change my twitter name? i will do it later.

all i can only say is my life is getting better and happier.

i make new friends, new bestfriend, get peace with my past, and i have someone i love.

Mr. and Mrs. Wahadyo

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